Your referral credits will automatically apply toward your subscription’s next billing date. Should you have any leftover credits, they will roll over to the next billing cycle. If you have multiple subscriptions with us, you will have the option to select which subscription you want to send referrals from and receive credits towards. From the Referral’s page, you can toggle between which subscriptions you would like to send the referral from, copy the link and share!
Q: I had some referrals left from your last referral program, can I get credit for those?
If the subscription with past referral credits is still active, those referrals will fall under our new referral program in the form of $25 credits.
Q: Do my referral credits expire?
Credits will remain available for the duration of your subscription. Please keep in mind that if you cancel your subscription, you will lose all unused credits associated with it.
Q: If I upgrade my subscription, will I lose unused credits?
Any unused credits will transfer to your upgraded subscription. For your reference, any completed referrals up to that point will remain with the old subscription’s billing history.